Why is Yogurt Beneficial?

Why is Yogurt Beneficial?

You already know that yogurt makes for a delicious snack, but did you know yogurt provides a ton of other benefits in addition to tasting great? From offering a wide range of health benefits to being easily incorporated into your daily routine, yogurt is a smart choice.

 The Benefits of Yogurt: 

Yogurt Contains Gut-Friendly Probiotics

Yogurt is a great source of probiotics, a type of bacteria that’s good for you. Probiotics are helpful for maintaining good gut health and a strong microbiome, your body’s store of good bacteria. When you have a healthy gut and strong microbiome, your body is better able to fight various health problems and ward off illness. Probiotics also support regularity, prevent constipation, and more. 

While most yogurt starters only contain one type of probiotic, Lactobacillus acidophilus, studies have shown that there are many different bacterial strains that support your body’s microbiome and overall health. TopTherm yogurt starters contain a high concentration of probiotic cultures as well as multiple types of probiotics to help keep you healthy.


Yogurt is a Great Source of Protein

Have you ever eaten a snack to help fight your hunger, only to be hungry again before you know it? When you’re looking for a snack that will help keep you feeling full, yogurt is a great choice. Yogurt – especially Greek yogurt – is rich in protein, which helps keep you feeling fuller, longer.


Yogurt Contains a Variety of Nutrients

In addition to being a great source of protein, yogurt provides a number of nutrients that help keep you healthy, including calcium, which supports healthy teeth and bones, Vitamin B12, which helps make red blood cells and DNA, plus riboflavin, potassium, phosphorous, and more. The probiotic cultures found in yogurt plus a strong microbiome also help your body replenish and absorb nutrients, as well as strengthen your immune system.


Yogurt is Versatile

In addition to being healthy and delicious, yogurt is a versatile food. You can eat it by itself, serve it with fruit or veggies, and even blend it into your favorite smoothies. Yogurt can also be used as a substitute for sour cream in any recipe, and can even be mixed into sauces for a creamier texture, making it a versatile ingredient to have handy.


Yogurt is Easy to Make at Home

While grocery stores do keep yogurt in stock, you can save money – and calories – by making yogurt yourself at home. Luckily, it’s easy to do! The TopTherm Yogurt Maker is designed to allow you to make probiotic-rich Greek yogurt at home, without the need for electricity. Simply heat some milk to the proper temperature, mix in the starter cultures of your choice, and give it some time to do its thing while you’re at work or play. After about 6 hours, your yogurt will be ready! You can even make it into Greek yogurt with the use of the strainer.

At TopTherm, we offer three types of yogurt starter cultures, Heart Health Support, Healthy Gut Support, and Performance Support. Whatever your health goals are, we help you reap the many benefits of yogurt.

View our list of probiotic yogurt starters to find the right one for you.

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