Your Healthy Body

Tips for a Healthy Heart

Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of death in most countries. The good news is that many of these issues can be avoided by changing your diet and exercise routines.

High blood pressure is directly related to many cardiovascular system problems. Good habits like exercise, eating right and proper hydration are essential to good heart health.

What is high blood pressure?

Everyone has heard about the dangers of high blood pressure, but few people know what it really is. The explanation is not very complex. High blood pressure occurs when the heart fills with blood and contracts to pump blood through the arteries that supply all organs in the body. However, when they receive blood, the arteries offer some resistance, which is blood pressure. If this resistance is too great, it manifests as high blood pressure (or hypertension), and the heart needs more force to keep the blood circulating, causing a process overload, that is, heart failure.
Increased blood pressure often occurs as a result of the following situations: heart or kidney disease, hyperthyroidism, gestation, excessive stress, obesity, and genetic predisposition. But food does play an important role in controlling hypertension. Too much salt, saturated fat and calories are things in the diet that can lead to high blood pressure.

1. Know your fats

Avoid saturated fats and sugars, and focus on the “good” fats present in oils. Also add to your diet fruits, legumes, vegetables and grains, mineral sources and vitamins.

2. Decrease salt

Not just the salt used to season foods, but also avoid consumption of high-sodium foods like pre-packaged foods, chips and snacks, instant noodles, soft drinks and other processed products.

3. Physical activity is key

Engaging in aerobic activities at least three times a week is critical to having a healthy body and a better quality of life. A regular exercise routine can help your body function more efficiently.

4. Stop smoking

Smokers are 70% more likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease than nonsmokers. The substances in cigarettes promote the accumulation of cholesterol in the walls of the arteries, stimulating the formation of clots that can cause heart attack and stroke.

Tips for a Healthy Brain

Modern life brings with it a series of consequences for the health of our body, since we are subjected to stressful situations almost daily which pushes us to our physical and psychological limits. This scenario, coupled with a diet of low nutritional value and sedentary lifestyle, ends up being the source of numerous maladies that can seriously affect our brain health. Here are some tips to keep your brain healthy and improve your quality of life.

1. Move around

Physical exercise is one of the most effective ways to improve overall quality of life, reduce stress and prevent build up of bad cholesterol in the walls of the arteries. Practice aerobic activities at least three times a week.

2. Choose the right foods

Food quality matters. Foods rich in minerals and vitamins, such as vegetables, fruits, olive oils, and fish oils are known to promote overall health and wellness. Oatmeal is also a strong ally of a healthy cardiovascular system, as it is shown to help decrease the body’s absorption of cholesterol.

3. Beware of sodium (salt)

Salt consumption does not only include the salt used at the table. Sodium is present in large, and sometimes very large, quantities in processed foods, especially in ready-made spices and gravy, instant noodles, soft drinks, etc. Avoid consumption of these products and look for alternatives with less sodium or with natural ingredients that do not contain salt.

4. Stop smoking

Smokers are 70% more likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease than nonsmokers. The substances present in cigarettes promote the accumulation of cholesterol in the walls of the arteries, stimulating the formation of clots that can cause strokes and other major heart issues.

5. Relax

The constant stress to which we are subjected to on a day-to-day basis can exacerbate health problems like depression and anxiety. To ease these symptoms and take care of your mental health, try to slow down frequently and seek out time to relax your mind with stress-reducing activities, such as outdoor walks, meditation or yoga.

Tips for Healthy Eyes

The number of cases of moderate and severe eye disease has increased significantly in recent decades, as have cases of total or partial blindness - so it is necessary to draw attention to the importance of vision care. Don’t forget to take care of your eyes too!

1. Care from the first months of life

The first visit to the ophthalmologist should should occur during the first months of the baby’s life so that congenital diseases are diagnosed as soon as possible. If no problem is detected, the exams should be repeated annually until the age of seven - the stage at which the visual system is fully developed.

2. Do not forget the sunglasses

Exposing your eyes directly to the sun in very bright environments, beaches and swimming pools can cause retina problems. Wear good quality sunglasses with UVA/UVB filters.

3. Eat well

Choose a balanced diet rich in vitamin C (present in citrus fruits), lutein (spinach, corn, egg yolk), omega 3 (cold water fish), essential elements for eye health.

4. Take breaks from electronics

Every 30 or 60 minutes, take 10-minute breaks to rest your eyes from the screens of the cell phone and computer. In that period, go to a window or balcony and focus the view to some distant point, looking for the horizon.

5. Distance from TV

Watch the television from a distance of at least 6 feet. Watching too closely can put a strain on the eyes.

6. Adequate ambient lighting

The work environment, where we spend a good part of the day, should have adequate lighting to prevent eye straining.

7. Stop smoking

Cigarette smoking impairs the functions of the entire body- and the eyes are no different, since smoking also impairs the circulation of blood in the retina.

Tips for Healthy Skin

The skin is the largest organ in the human body and is constantly exposed to external factors that can affect its health. However, with a healthy routine, it is possible to maintain beautiful skin at any age.

1. Attention to skin cleansing

Daily skin cleansing is critical to prevent the accumulation of oil, makeup residue and skin and dirt products present in the air. The accumulation of these elements in the skin can lead to clogging of the pores, causing pimples and blackheads, and contribute to the premature aging of the skin.

2. Hydration is key

Hydration is a fundamental step to maintain a healthy skin while keeping its integrity and avoiding problems such as peeling, dryness, premature aging, infections and irritations. Use daily formulas appropriate for your skin type, with specific products for face and body. In addition, try to drink about 2 quarts of water daily to keep your skin (and entire body) healthy.

3. Eat well

To keep your skin beautiful and healthy from the inside out, consume foods rich in vitamins A, C and E that have antioxidant effects. Oatmeal is also an important ally, since it favors the correct functioning of the digestive system and, consequently, the health of the skin.

4. Beware of the sun

Exposure to ultraviolet rays can cause significant damage to the skin, like (age) spots, early wrinkles and even more serious problems, such as malignant tumors - also known as melanoma. It is essential to use sunscreens (especially on the face) with sun protection factor (SPF) 30 or greater, even when staying indoors, as the artificial lighting of lamps and computers can also damage the skin.

Tips for Healthy Metabolism

Metabolism is the process in charge of generating the energy our body needs to perform. The process is the same for everyone - the difference lays in the speed at which it happens, which could interfere with wight loss efforts.

1. Practice physical Exercise

A regular exercise routine is key to estimulate your metabolism. Building muscle mass is critical to achieve this goal, since nutrition and muscle building require a higher caloric expenditure - even when the individual is at rest.

2. Consume good fats

The fats present in oily fruits, such as nuts, certain vegetables, extra virgin olive oil, fish oils, and other foods, are necessary to accelerate metabolism, since they slow the digestion of carbohydrates and demand more energy for nutrient absorption.

3. Bet on thermogenic foods or supplements

Thermogenics are elements that increase body temperature and accelerate metabolism, facilitating fat burning. These properties can be found in peppers, green tea and cinnamon, but there are dietary supplements that may also have thermogenic properties to aid in maintaining a healthy weight.

4. Move (even when you’re not exercising)

To keep your metabolism always on the go, take every opportunity to move: climb stairs, do things while standing, or do small stretches at work whenever possible.

5. Eat small meals throughout the day

When we spend many hours without eating, the body reduces the metabolism to save energy for the most important tasks of the body. To avoid this cycle, eat every three hours; small portions of healthy and low-calorie items.

Tips for Healthy Joints

It is common to feel pain in the joints (the joining of two or more bones). Pain may be a result of several issues such as incorrect posture, lack of lubrication in the joints, and wrong or forced movements. Bone health needs attention so that, over the years, it will not be impacted by injuries and pain.

1. Practice routine physical exercises

A regular exercise routine promotes muscle and joint strength, which helps to protect the bones from injuries and other problems. There are several exercises and repetitions that can be done to promote good bone and joint health.

2.Keep a balanced diet

A balanced diet helps prevent health problems and promotes overall health and wellbeing. A good diet helps the body perform is at its best. A diet rich in omega 3 and calcium promotes good bone and joint health.

3.Stretch frequently

Joint pains can be caused by incorrect postures, especially in the the back. Therefore, it is essential to make it a routine practice to stretch often throughout the day. When done correctly, stretching helps improve the body’s movements and its flexibility.

4. Avoid joint wear and tear

Repeated force or incorrect movement can cause wear and tear on the joints. There are different ways to avoid this problem, such as seeking professional help when feeling pain in your muscles and other parts of the body such as your knee and spine, and avoiding jolting or difficult movements that could cause injury.

Tips for a Healthy Digestive System

The digestive system is the complex set of organs responsible for processing the food we eat, which includes the mouth, intestines, stomach, and liver. Keeping the digestive system functioning properly helps the body absorb nutrients more efficiently and prevents gastrointestinal issues. Here are some tips to good digestive health:

1. Start by chewing your food well

The process of digestion in the human body begins in the mouth with chewing your food. It is essential to chew food very well so that digestion and absorption are simplified and more efficient.

2. Drink plenty of water daily

The habit of ingesting plenty of water every day is a great way to promote health. It helps improve the digestive process by facilitating bowel movement. In addition, drinking more water helps every organ of your body. The more water you drink, the better you will feel.

3.Include high-fiber foods in your diet

A balanced diet rich in fiber will help improve digestion. Diets high in fiber promote regularity and also promote overall health and wellness.

4. Get moving

Exercise is an important ally for the good performance of the digestive system, since blood circulation in the body increases with the movement of the body. With improved blood flow, organs like your intestines and stomach will function more efficiently.